Monday, February 2, 2009

Highlights of Kaikea

First, from the shout of "fortissimo!" which she has learned from watching The Little Einsteins, and likes to shout as she recites the entire episode, or to embellish any other activity, fortissimo being a celebration of all kinds, and then the segue from "fortissimo" to "brush my teesimo!" Which I think might be her first joke...

Later, shaking a maraca and keeping a wicked beat to the one song she insists on hearing when she lets me play the guitar--though this is the first of I hope many jam sessions--the Ocean song by Lucinda Williams, watching her tiny mouth shape "Stand under the shower, clean this dirty mess, give me back my power, drown this unholiness, lean over the toilet bowl and throw up my confession, cleanse my soul of this hidden obsession," hoping she will be so empowered she could not write these words, then watching her sing happily to the chorus, "I wanna watch the ocean bend, the edges of the sun then, I wanna get swallowed up, by an ocean of love." Of course she had no chance with this song, it vibrated against my stomach as she grew inside me, resonated into her little embryonic world as I played it over and over again, and then she heard Lucinda rasp it out every Saturday morning as I drove to Hilo to visit her daddy, his life now full of promise, in jail those last three months.

The session gives me hope that I can be a fun mother as soon as she likes playing my games. I am not very much fun at her games. And sometimes, I confess, I don't feel like trying.

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